You appeared into my life like a shooting star in the night sky, and unintentionally caught me by surprise.
You intrigued me with your natural persona and interests that captivated my mind to the highest degree. Reading your words, hearing your voice, feeling your touch and embracing your presence continued to perfectly capture my innocent mind, so intensely that you were suddenly the center of my thoughts, causing my infatuation to strongly develop mentally, physically and emotionally.
You sent sudden rushes through my entire body, like a poison of love injected into my blood stream, cleansing my scars and warming my soul. You were the only person who made my heart beat faster and slower at the same time, You made me feel like I could survive and that I was more than alive, You made me smile without even intending to, You made me laugh without saying something funny and You made love without saying you loved me.
Our connection was phenomenal, unbeatable and beyond comparison to any other being. We shared the most beautiful and euphoric moments together, that one could only dream of.
Instantaneously you entered the realm of my heart. I was terrified yet deeply thrilled, that someone like you so amazing and so unique had possession of my heart.
You through hope into my life and struck my heart a believing ambition that one day You and I would formally unite.
You played with my mind and stabbed deep into my heart, You played with your word and tore us apart. You ruined my ambition our future and fate, twisting my feelings and forming hate. Crushing all that I once dreamed, achieving nothing but proving you weren't what you seemed. You persisted with committing this brutal sin and that's what I get when I let my heart win.