Thursday, September 17


So basically everyday of our lives we all play "dress ups" with our hands and arms with rings, watches, bangles, bracelets, gloves, shoe laces etc. And of course our feet and legs with socks, shoes, stockings, anklets etc.

But has it ever occurred to you that there might be a new trend in town?
It goes by the deadly name... SUICIDE! It's estimated that around 1 million people commit suicide every year worldwide! Dude what the hell is this world coming to?
To all proper "emo's" & "goths" who think this is the latest craze, IT'S NOT! If you think slitting your wrists and slicing up your body is what's down then you're falling into one massive devil trap, consider getting... wait don't even consider, YOU NEED TO GET HELP! I'd advise you to start drinking some red bull it's believed to give you wings! Now that's a good start to an angle face.
As for me cuts and blood sure aren't an accessory and if I ever have any which is almost everyday... they are simply all because I'm super clumsy!
Nobody is going to love you more if they find you half dead! So here you go attention seeker you might as well go paint your arms with red paint if you really like the whole 'bloody' look. It's a better alternative... no pain, no harm, no tears, no fears and it even comes in a variety of different colours woo!
